Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ian's send off

On Thursday night before the last day of school, I was spoilt rotten by a great bunch of people that I knew as colleagues at Sir Winston Churchill. They did something that Canadians do better than anyone else - show unbridled hospitality!
I was whisked away to the "The Keg" for drinks with what I thought were the small crew that I had worked with at SWC. Turns out they had orchestrated a school wide invite and a few more turned up. What made it particularly exciting for me was the way in which my drink of Gin and tonic magically refilled whenever I emptied it. It even grew in size at one point.
To top it off, Matty P (the Canadian drinking machine) ended my evening by buying me Dirty martinis, that even after a few G&T's still tasted like licking the inside of a fish!!
I went home a little later than I expected 9nearly 3 hours later) with the help of my understanding wife - crawl, grovel.
The result of all this fun and frivolity? See for yourself .....
The result of a happy night at the keg.

Dreaming of the magic gin glass.

Thanks to Sandy, Paul, Meghan, Sarah, Matt, John, Corey, Leanne, Erna and so many others that I have to stop now because otherwise it will be ANOTHER blog all of its own. You guys are the greatest.

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